Technique of the week #3 – Citizens Jury

This week’s technique is the a Citizens Jury. What’s it all about?  A Citizens Jury is a deliberative technique that encourages people to come together to discuss  (often complicated) policy decisions.  ‘The great advantage of the Citizens Jury process is that it yields citizen input from a group that is both informed about an issue […]

Technique of the Week #002 Unconference

This week’s technique is the unconference. What’s it all about?  An unconference is a collaborative affair where people come together to discuss a common issue.  It stands out from traditional conferences because the participants set the agenda and lead the discussions.  It is similar to Open Space events. How does it work? A day or […]

Technique of the Week #001

This week’s technique is the Samoan Circle.  What is a Samoan Circle? Essentially it is a leaderless meeting that allows all participants to take part or at least witness the discussion that takes place.  It needs a good facilitator to make it work well. What happens during a Samoan Circle?  During a Samoan Circle there […]